Photo of the Week.

Enjoy what I enjoy. Every week.

Josh Wright Josh Wright

Waking From a Sleepless Night.

The Morning that I awoke.

The morning I woke up.

After a sleepless night, the decision to get out there was fuming. 6 o’clock rolled around and I knew I had to find something to see because the sun would be primed for it. Slipping in my jeans and heading for my mac I quickly searched Hampton Roads for something new to me, something that would take me away from the ordinary.

The bushes at the entrance.

There from eagle eyes view I saw a small beach sticking out into the water, facing the east so the light would be ripe on it. My mom who had been staying with us for a few days walked in confused why I was up so early. I explained that I was busy thinking about my new business, which kept me up so late. The conversation was short though because I had to be on my way to catch this thing before the sun rose to high.

Jumping into some old shoes I headed for the door, equipment in check and zoomed off into the dark morning, grabbing a coffee at the wawa, anxious to stay sharp and get there on time.

It felt like forever. The beach was half an hour away and I could see the deep blue crescendoing on the horizon. Of course the 6:30 busy traffick was bobbing and weaving all across the street, causing alarm but I kept my cool and kept pushing.

Ponds and Grasses

Back road here, left turn there, the road got tighter and tighter into the ever shrinking neighbor hoods until finally I found myself at the entrance shrowded in bushes with a loamy pathway leading in, without a beach in sight. Thankfully Parking was only allowed at 7:00am, it was 7:10.

I rushed out my car grabbed my bag and headed for the narrow entrance to the park, and as I entered, the roads began to slowly hush, and the birds began to sing. I looked around and found myself in a small secluded beauty hidden away from the hampton traffic. Was this OBX? was this Myrtle beach? how could it be so peaceful? so natural? I’ve grown accustomed to the hustle and bussle of the northernmost of the 7 cities but this was nothing I’d seen on this side before.

I was delighted, but I knew If I was gonna make it to the beach before the sun got to high I needed to hurry, but every step was captivating. As the light grew and revealed the truth of the pathway, my clouded mind evaported. So many Images I wanted to take, so many small beautiful wooden and grass trinkets and glassy watered ponds were everywhere. I paused in a few places by the ponds and tall grass to snap away, as the sun peeked its head over the horizon. I quickly moved forward until everything went quiet.

The busy roads was gone, it was me, and an opening and the deep roll of a not so distant water. The sound brought peace and awe, I had to move to it.

I turned the corner and saw the sun blazing orange over the opening and the waves rushing in only a few yards in front, and my heart exploded. The sight was mesmerizing. I felt like the door to Narnia had just been opened and a new world had just been created. I stepped into the opening to have a full view of the beach and wallowed in its beauty. There was nothing there I didn’t absolutely love. I rushed down to the shore parading my camera around abuzz with joy. Shots began to rip from my Nikon as I tried to capture all of it that I could.

Peeking through the path.

Running close to the water I got close with my tripod shooting and then running back when they waves rolled in to avoid the water. But as I got another shot the wave slapped my ankles, soaking my shoes and socks. Well I had done it now theres no going back. I felt like a child. I felt free. All the worry left my body and I had to praise God for this wonderful morning. He really let me feel alive again. I finally woke up.

Where the journey ends.

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Josh Wright Josh Wright

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Josh Wright Josh Wright

Overlooking the Waters

Take your time.

After a long day of shining, the sun decided to take his rest and dip below the horizon. I looked out to feel the motions of the water and spotted the lone bird resting atop a post, seemingly enjoying the view.

I had to reflect on myself. It’s been a busy week of job applications, working, trying to learn new skills. But seeing this lone bird, gave me pause to stop and watch.

I was thankful for that moment. A breath of fresh James River air and sleepy sunset, me and nature taking a rest. Don’t move to quickly or you’ll forget WHY you are. To live in, and to enjoy the time passing by, like the rythm of the waters.

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